Soooo..... 2012 has arrived and that brings with it our 2012 Halloween party. Yes, I am crazy and started thinking about it and making lists for it this weekend. I am already thinking about it. Expect some crafts to come your way this month as Full Of Great Ideas No Spend January inspires me to make things with what we already have on hand (which is a lot of stuff) I could possibly decorate our party with whatever we currently have in the house. Also... my Halloween thoughts of course led me to think about what theme we want for this year and you guys, I think I'm going to do something unprecedented. NO THEME. I was thinking we could just put up decorations we like and everyone can come as whatever they want to. Its a crazy idea for me since I insist on picking a theme each year that everything must coordinate with, but I'm really considering it. What if our theme was just Halloween? Sounds like a stress relief to me but it is still to be seen if I will follow through with it.
Looking forward to October.
A guide to making your own Halloween decorations and costumes as well as reviews and information regarding products we have used. Enjoy photos, videos and instructions as well as information and fun.
Welcome to our blog of spooky crafts and macabre decor projects. Halloween is a passion at our house and the two of us have been making our own decorations and costumes for years. Every Halloween we throw a huge party and our goal is always how scary can we make it without breaking the bank. Over time, more and more of our projects have made it into our daily home decor. This blog will show you how we made many of our finished pieces and how we kept up with our budget at the same time. We love feedback and questions so please feel free to contact us.